Tinkertown, Lovington, NM Weather

Observations are powered by an Ambient Weather 2902C
75.9 °F
AQI: 64 (moderate)
Feels like: 75.1 °F
High Low
75.9 °F 49.6 °F
SSW 204°
Speed Gust
3   7
Barometer30.161 inHg
Dew Point53.8 °F
Rain0.00 in  0.00 in/hr
Sun & Moon

Waxing Crescent
21% visible

Lovington New Mexico Live Weathercam

Forecast Interval (hours):


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Astronomy Picture of the Day

Weather Record Snapshots. View all weather records here.
High: 75.9 °F Low: 49.6 °F
Average Wind: 0 mph Highest Wind: 8 mph
Today's Rain: 0.00 in Highest Rate: 0.00 in/hr
High: 89.2 °F Low: 49.6 °F
Average Wind: 2 mph Highest Wind: 21 mph
Total Rain: 0.00 in Highest Rate: 0.00 in/hr
Recent Local Earthquake

18.6 miles NW of Toyah, Texas
Magnitude 2.1
104.9 miles SSW
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